Access Form METAPSYCHICS: Advanced Science of Mind and Transcendental Technology: PARAPSYCHICS: ESP And The Sixth Sense

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 ESP And The Sixth Sense

Do you have a sixth sense?
The answer is a resounding yes!
But we have got to go back and correct a lot of misinformation concerning ESP.

ESP is not EXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION as taught and believed by most today.
No one has anything 'extra'.  We all have the same bodies, organs, and BRAIN and it is
only how the brain functions that determines if one uses Physical, Psychic, or Psi Energy and how much.

ESP is actually an EXTENDED SENSORY PERCEPTION.  Your SENSES are EXTENTED or they are more acute and precise.  There is nothing 'extra' about them whatsoever and everyone possesses the same amount of Physical, Psychic, and Psi energy, it is only how much one uses that makes the difference between people or minds if one is happy or not.

ESP is EXTENDED SENSORY PERCEPTION for when one 'clears his environment, body, and mind', his or her SENSES become more acute like a person who is blind, one or more of his other SENSES become more acute and dominant.
We are aware of 5 SENSES which are:  Sight, Hearing, Tasting, Smelling, and Feeling {touching}.

Feelings are NOT the same as EMOTIONS.  EMOTIONS are generated, whereas FEELING is the SENSE of TOUCH.  {You FEEL cold, and your dislike of the cold is the actual EMOTION, not the FEELING of the coldness}.  Your Eyes, Nose, Tongue, Ears, and Skin are all the OBJECTS OF THE SENSES.  It is how you contact the PHYSICAL WORLD and how the PHYSICAL WORLD 'communicates' to you.

The PSYCHIC WORLD or your mind is seen by your MIND's EYE, the THIRD EYE, or truly your SIXTH SENSE for it can CONTROL and REGULATE all the other SENSE OBJECTS.

When your mind controls your five senses by the conscious use of your mind, then your mind is acting as your SUPERMIND and you are able to see and create imaginary things with your SIXTH SENSE or MIND's EYE you can make into a REALITY in the PHYSICAL WORLD.

The MIND's EYE is able to see the CREATIONS or IMAGES inside your head.  Images and 'thought forms'  ONLY you can SEE and FEEL and no one else.

ONLY YOU ARE CONSCIOUS of what is in your mind and the science of METAPSYCHICS you are able to use your mind or SIXTH SENSE to live a better and happier life HERE and NOW and NOT some imaginary future.

One last word, not only can you as a PSI BEING extend your SENSES, but you also can CONTRACT your senses like a turtle who ducks his head inside his shell.  Contracting your SENSES is great for meditation and focusing on your work or projects. It is also the state of SAMADHI.

Your MIND's EYE can also travel the Physical and Psychic universes and still maintain a human body and mind.  This is NOT Astral Projection but a change of viewpoint or CONSCIOUSNESS.

The MIND's EYE is your SIXTH SENSE or DIVINE EYES.  It is your ability to see, know, understand, and use inner and outer energy in a variety of ways to increase your material, mental, and spiritual existence.
Spiritual things can only be seen with SPIRITUAL EYES and these really are the EYES OF GOD or how God see things which are lovely and beautiful and in harmony.

And once your SPIRITUAL EYES are open they can never be fully closed again.

Thank you for Reading,

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