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Monday, November 7, 2016

MetaPsychics: What is Transcendental Technology?

What Is Transcendental Technology?

Well, First of all let's define  what these two words mean to most people today.

1. tran·scen·den·tal

  1. 1.
    of or relating to a spiritual or pre-physical realm.
    "the transcendental importance of each person's soul"
  2. 2.
    (of a number, e.g., e or π) real but not a root of an algebraic equation with rationa

2. tech·nol·o·gy
  1. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
    "advances in computer technology"
    • machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
    • the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

  2. So in short, TRANSCENDENTAL TECHNOLOGY would be spiritual knowledge known as scientific knowledge for the application of spiritual growth {evolution/involution/devolution} as well as practical purposes {everyday living}.

 We do however, have one 'error' in the definition of  'transcendental' and that is for many years the word 'non-physical' was used to explain the PSI realm or Spiritual level of the mind.  This is certainly not the case, for anything non-physical cannot have an affect on you.  It would seem 'non-existence.

Here we find an 'error of sorts'.  As far as we are concern, there can be nothing that is 'non-physical' that can impact us or us it.

According to METAPSYCHICS, the science that underlies Transcendental Technology, we find that the 'non-physical' does not exist.  If something is 'non-physical' it cannot be known or perceived.  It cannot be sensed or felt.  There could be no possible 'connection' between you and 'It' on any level, Psi, Psyche, or Physical.

This is another reason scientists had such a big problem with the existence of a 'soul'.  With words being tossed around like 'non-physical' we are putting ourselves out of the realm of reality and into the realm of fantasy or imagination, a product of the mind and body. 

This is why the new science of Quantum Physics really opened up the Spiritual World in a scientific way and we realized what is called 'non-physical' is really 'pre-physical energy' or energy units so small they cannot even be detected with our best science technology today.

And then there is the matter of what the 'soul' is.  But we will cover that in another post later.  Right now, it is very important to establish that anything 'non-physical' does not exist or might as well not exist for it cannot be brought into consciousness.

Therefore what is called non-physical, well, there really is not a word for it yet, so in the science of METAPSYCHICS, we call the incorrect 'non-physical' 'the less concrete matter' physical 'anti-mater'.

To understand this better we have to look at this from the viewpoint of Energy.

As you know, Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  It has been here forever and will remain forever.  Even if we are silly enough to blow up our whole solar system.

And on one end of Energy you have what we all see, matter.
Matter is nothing more than condensed energy.

Matter actually 'breaks up' into finer paticles of matter and become 'MASS' or mental energy.  You use this energy to create words and mental images.

And 'MASS' just a light weight of energy 'breaks down' into Psi Energy which is a finer grade of energy than mental or 'psychic energy'.  Psi Energy is actually the LifeForce of the body and universe.

In short, Physical Matter and Mass eventually 'breaks down' into ENERGY.

The FORM becomes the FORCE.

Form would be the physical world that you see and your body.  Force would be the 'energy' of the body known as 'Effort', Emotions, and 'Ego', {to name only a few} and eventually would become anti-mater energy the last energy as well as the first.

As man becomes 'enlighten' he realizes when he thinks of himself as just a physical body he is at the bottom end of FORM.  The weight of the world is upon him.

But as he considers himself to be MORE than just his body and mind, he begins to ascend like 'energy' becoming more of a true and real FORCE in his life.  He is energy for he flows more with life and life 'moves' more with him.  He is in a way 'lighter'.

We call the man or woman a the top end of the energy FORCE field a PSI BEING.

This is actually the 'soul' {active memory banks and Lifeforce} or true nature of the person.

Here man functions as the true Controller, Creator, and Composer of his life.

The Psi Being is more a 'position' outside of 'space and time' then a human being or psychic being.

In order to function as a PSI BEING, certain exercises and processes must be understood and learnt.

Specialized knowledge is needed also for though there is nothing 'non-physical', the trained mind does engage in many 'invisible realms' or 'force fields' on earth as well as in space through mental pictures and these 'mental pictures' can drive and keep a person, neurotic or psychotic the rest of his life.

All this being said a PSI BEING would need a TRANSCENDENTAL TECHNOLOGY to know how to function in the earth and among his fellow man that would be of benefit to himself as well as others.

Mankind can see a TRANSCENDENTAL TECHNOLOGY as mental or psychic exercises that raises the 'energy levels' of his whole being thus promoting better health that leads to better wealth.

The results of a TRANSCENDENTAL TECHNOLOGY would advance the individual as well as the whole of mankind at anytime in any place, in a group or one man or woman at a time.

It is for the individual to 'pull himself up by his own bootstraps' and be the person he was meant to be and want to be.


Something you do to achieve the good results of your actions here and now.

That basically is what a TRANSCENDENTAL TECHNOLOGY is.

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