Access Form METAPSYCHICS: Advanced Science of Mind and Transcendental Technology: PARAPSYCHICS: The Easy Way To Control Anger

Monday, November 30, 2020

PARAPSYCHICS: The Easy Way To Control Anger

The Easy Way To Control Anger

Controlling anger is a great technique to have and use but many programs only help you suppress your anger instead of understanding it and knowing how to use it to your advantage. 

 Of course you can MEDITATE but you done that and you have your anger under control pretty well but what about the hidden fear you might have and just lash out at the wrong time to the wrong person or you get a certain rage to strangled someone, even a relative they made you so mad!?

You don't really mean it, {or do you?} but the emotion ANGER can seem to overwhelm you pretty easy, so it there another way to handle anger simple and easy besides Anger Management or Meditation? 

 A big break through we had in the science of METAPSYCHICS: Advanced Science of Mind is that FEELINGS are NOT EMOTIONS! 

 In fact we use the METAPSYCHICS's term and phrase, 

E-motions to indicate = Energy [in} Motion = E-MOTIONS. 

 One of things you see when dealing with 'anger' is that it is not the anger itself that upsets you. 

At the time you were angery it was justified depending on the situation or circumstances by you, rather you were right or wrong in the matter at hand, you get angry and then you repent most the time afterwards and you actually get 'more angry or depressed' for getting angry in the first place. 

 As if getting angry was a sin or curse. 

 Which it is by the Church standards, but in reality 'anger' is a natural and very necessary emotion. Yes, it is the fact you beat yourself up severely for getting angry which causes you to be more anger at yourself or depressed for failing to control yourself or your emotions. Why? Well, it is one of the world's seven deadly sins! 

 I am surprise to find anger and not 'hate' as a deadly sin when 'hate' is more of a sin than anger. We all get angery from time to time either at someone, something, or mostly ourselves. It is an automatic or hidden subconscious 'reaction' you are faintly aware of if not at all. We get angry at ourselves for forgetting things, making minor mistakes, doing something wrong, being wrong about something, and because we didn't get what we wanted. 

 The last one of the major causes of anger: 'not getting what you wanted out of a person, life or a job or plan, God, or yourself.' Anger does not stem from desire as many modern philosophers say today, anger stems from NOT GETTING WHAT YOU DESIRE. 

 Just like the opposite of love is not hate but 'more love', anger results from FEAR! The fear of NOT HAVING and the fear of LOSS or LOSING. Anger manifest when you feel threaten or deprived. When it comes to the personal self anger can result in 'never being good enough'. 

 Anger is also programmed into us since we were a child, told by the Church, State and Media what to 'be anger about' and how to have eternal peace or at least 'pretend' to be 'at peace' all the time. 

 Anger is good when properly applied and like curse words use it too much and you devalue it and yourself. You can remedy a major cause of unwanted anger about being out of control or not controlling things the way you think they should have been control. 

 Since a lot of times we are 'not in control' we unceasing use up energy trying to 'stay' or 'get' in control of something. This causes anger if we do not achieve our objective and worry and anxiety when we do! 

Trust THE MASTERMIND and your own SUPERMIND to help you with this. The Program for getting rid of anger or reducing is as simple as saying the following COMMANDS several times a day: 



 "I AM NOT IN CONTROL OF THE WORLD {Nature/Society}." 


 "I AM NOT IN CONTROL OF MY BODY {Physical body}." 

 "I NOT IN CONTROL OF MY MIND {Psychic mind}." 

 "I NOT IN CONTROL OF MY FALSE EGO {Psychic Entity {PE}}." 

 "I AM NOT IN CONTROL OF MY INTELLECT {Natural Buddhic Nature}." 

 "I AM NOT IN CONTROL OF MY SOUL {Spiritual Being {SP}}." 

 "I AM NOT IN CONTROL OF THE DEVIL. {An illusion/delusion}." 

 "I AM NOT IN CONTROL OF GOD's ENERGIES. {Reality/Transcendental reality}." 

 Don't worry if you are not familiar with some of the terms it will work if you say enougm times consciously and at ease so it can sink into your subconscious mind as if you were sleep or dreaming. 

 So how many times do you say this PSI TECHNIQUE of METAPSYCHICS? Start with a 100 times a day two times a day for three days, one times a day {A 100 times in a row} for three days, and at random for one day. 

Don't missed any sessions are shorten the Psi Technique. I know this seems to easy and simple but how many of you will actually do it as instructed and of course reading METAPSYCHICS: Advanced Science of Mind articles and books doesn't hurt either. 

Try it and see how easy it is is to reprogram your subconscious mind and rid it of {N. E.T.} Implants. 

 If this helped you an any way please leave a comment below and let us know so you can help us improve our PSI Techniques for others. 

 Thank you for reading, 


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