Access Form METAPSYCHICS: Advanced Science of Mind and Transcendental Technology: METAPSYCHICS: In the Beginning Part I

Monday, June 10, 2024

METAPSYCHICS: In the Beginning Part I

 METAPSYCHICS  is the only SPIRITUAL and TRANSCENDENTAL book completely written by a Black man.

True SPIRITUALITY which is 'oneness with self, the universe, and God, or soul, Super soul, and SUPREME SOUL is the true essence of your LIFE,

Though one is busy everyday 'making a living' or 'living a making' one's true goal in life is to find out who he is and what he can do.


The opposite of this is RELIGION which is 'man's interpretation of SPIRITUALITY in its various forms or FAITHS.

This is why we have so many different FAITHS in the world.  Christianity alone has over 45,000 different FAITHS with about 200 being in the United States alone.

Every man can tell you they were 'inspired by God' but every man SHOULD also tell you, that no matter who inspired who, the message received is INTREPRETED by the man or woman who receives it. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Therefore RELIGION serves a LIMITED portion of what is available to man in the SPIRITUAL REALM of your mind.

Most RELIGIONS sees man as a BODY with a SOUL that can be casted into heaven, purgatory, or hell at the whim of some DIVINE DEITY who will judge man and the earth in the end days or right after you die!

SPIRITUAL which was spoken and not written taught man that he is a SOUL with a HUMAN BODY and ENVIRONMENT, having a SPIRITUAL existence on earth.

This means you only have so much EARTH TIME before the BODY dies and the SOUL moves on.

Telling you, you are already a SOUL in HEAVEN having a HUMAM EXPERIENCE on EARTH is almost against ALL RELIGIONS which make their money on you being a SINNER.

Every Holy or Sacred BOOK to be a religion must CONDEMN you in order to SAVE you.

The story of ADAM and EVE does just that and is called ORIGINAL SIN.  

You are made a sinner rather you like it or not and now you are inferior {a sinner} and NEED their remedy for a SINNER to SAVE you.  This is called SALVATION.

It never dawns on man that the world of sin is just as created as the man of sin. 

SPIRITUAL teaches man that he is is on IMMORTAL SOUL and never can die or even be injured!


And this is what the science and spiritual science of METAPSYCHICS is all about.

Thank you for Reading,

MetaPsychics Foundation
MetaPsychics University

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