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Showing posts with label free study course. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

WISDOM: {A} How To Study: The Study Factors


    But before we dive into ADVANCED METAPSYCHICS here are five very important STUDY FACTORS you should know before you start reading:
    Look up words you do not understand or know the meaning of.  This was stressed in "METAPSYCHICS: Advanced Science of Mind”, and again here as one of the five paramount factors in learning anything.   

    A person actually gives up a course of study due to not defining words one does not know.
    Use a dictionary as you read.
    Refer to it often to any, and every word that is misunderstood.

    It may seem tedious at first, but in the long run, you will conquer the main reason children hate school and why a subject cannot be learnt.  

    ANY and EVERY subject can eventually be learnt using THE STUDY FACTORS.  Simply, define WORDS you DON'T know.


    Use a Gradient Scale to tackle hard or long subjects.  Again, METAPSYCHICS prepares ‘your psyche’ for the advanced knowledge and wisdom of METAPSYCHICS so that you can function more perfectly as a Paragon or Advanced Paragon {Denizen}, which in essence, is the ‘real you of You.’

    As a Spiritual Being {SP}, you are of the highest order and potential of any being in any universe.


    Remember, if you are reading this in a book, the book is only matter.  It is YOU that matters, not the book.
     YOU are the LIFE of the SPIRIT, AND the Book.
    Make the book and the knowledge your own.
    Touch and handle your book as an object that you like or love, and this will greatly enhance your ability to absorb the contents of the book.

    Read this book at least two or three times.  This is because METAPSYCHICS is on a gradient scale.  As you learn new facts about your true self, the data becomes
    easier to KNOW, UNDERSTAND, and USE.

    ONLY ACCEPT THAT WHICH IS TRUE FOR YOU.  That which is not true for you, you do not have to accept.  The fact of reading something more than one time increases one knowingness, understanding, and usage of any subject one wants to master.  What you ‘select’ as true for you should increase the happiness in your life.  If you don't agree with something, don't force yourself to 'accept it on blind faith'.  If you don't yet understand it, discard it, you will fair better and learn what is needed at the time if you remain focused.
    Now, if you follow only these five basic study factors of learning, there will be no subject on earth that you cannot be the master of.
    Including yourself.
    However, if you DO NOT follow these basic FIVE STUDY FACTORS, you will find yourself becoming tired and exhausted with ANY SUBJECT YOU MAY WANT TO LEARN, and,
    in fact, it MAY RETARD your mental and physical growth.
    You will think that the subject is boring and not for you though you had a great interest in it at first.  Not using the Five Study Factors above is one of the main reasons children and teenagers hate school and give up on even the subjects they were the most passionate about.
    Look up unknown words and you will find you can learn anything you like and love.
    Over 61% of America are illiterate because they do not know, or use these FIVE STUDY FACTORS.  
    If this is true about the No. 1 Country, what about the rest of the world's social society?
    You will only notice the difference when you apply them to your learning time.  And they will work like magic.  Use them and see your I.Q. increase.
    Without them, you're just whistling in the dark.  
    And we all know what The Dark Ages did.  
    Happy Reading.

    LEARN MORE, STUDY LESS Video Course >Go Here<

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