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Showing posts with label is god eternal?. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2020

PARAPSYCHICS: From Nature to God

Man may ask is there a God?  But the real question should be, "What do I need God for?"

So what do we mean by that?  Well, why do you call on God?  Or do you rely on God for everything, or just when the weather gets bad?  Is God something you accept on 'faith' or something you can rationalize with your mind?  

Today when we speak of God we have three main religions that more or less 'define' God for the whole world.

JUDAISM  has two beginnings.  The first was the writings of the Old Testament written by 'Divine' {mentally elevated} Africans known as the original Israelites. This Old Testament had 80 books of which a lot of these same books {though altered} are included in the King James Version {KJV} Bible today.  The first five books were sanctioned off by several sects of holy men who spoke the Semitic language of West Africa and became known as the original Israelites.

This knowledge is rarely known but can be authenticated.  This was the original JUDEA tribe out of Africa and they continued as BLACK ISRAELITES that later became the RASTAFARIAN MOVEMENT and the first CHRISTIAN CHURCH of Ethiopia.

The second birth of JUDAISM came about when mostly all the records of the original Black Israelites were destroyed in favor of CHRISTIANITY, mainly the Catholic Church, and the Old Testament of the Black Israelites was copied, rewritten, and altered many, many times until it was WHITEWASHED by the English and Spanish and German Interpreters. 

Now we have GOD's CHOSEN PEOPLE are mostly the white Jews you see today.  This is fact, not fiction!  

JUDAISM today is based on the fact that THE LAW was delivered to the people of Israel by God through Moses and that the children in the Garden of Eden were of the white race.  There are very few records of the true history of the Jews, for the original Jews were Black Africans.

And with the advent of knowing all races had their origin in Africa, this gives more actual facts to the existence of the Black Israelites.  I find those who know the bible as a metaphor of God, man, and nature, saner than those who try and take the bible literally word for word.

Out of the new JUDAISM religion came CHRISTIANITY.  CHRISTIANITY states that God redeemed the world from sin by letting his only son be crucified by the people of the world {not only the Jews} and then rising from the dead to be God the Holy Ghost that man must serve and call Lord. Oh yeah, and if you do not do as his son said, you will die and burn a horrible death in hell for eternity.  Oh yeah, you got to drink this risen dead man's blood and eat his flesh in the way of wine and crackers as testimony this dead man is your lord and savior.  Oh yeah, and you are still a sinner and God is still going to judge you at the end of your days, even though you are now a Christian.  Oh yeah, you MUST go to church and 'tithe' which means giving 10% of your income to them so they can reach out the hand of Jesus to others at the same time increasing the profit of their purses.

From CHRISTIANITY came even the worst religion ISLAM!

Now you must do as God or Allah say or you are an infidel subject to execution!  And you cannot only just serve Allah, but You MUST also follow the words of Mohammad as in the Quaran and of course, that holy book is infallible though Allah, creator of the universe did not know there were nine planets in our solar system alone.

So there you have the three main religions that more or less tell us who God is.

All religions and the 'holy' bibles that go with them are 'MAN's own interpretation of himself, nature, and the universe, what he could observe and think and feel.'  And he had no idea at all that he even had a brain, less known a mind.

Man did the best he could with what he had and knew at the time.

So we are back at Ground 0.  Is there a God or not?

Well, the first AXIOM of the science of MetaPsychics is:


If we realize we can CREATE things that never existed in reality as 'one certain thing' we can also concude that man can CREATE his gods also.

Certainly man created God in his own image and likeness and called him EMMANUEL.

However, there is a living God of science and Nature and man that is NOT CREATED.

And all the Laws of the universe and Nature and man are the functioning of this God which is ONE SUPERIOR ENERGY and SOURCE OF ALL THINGS.

Of course, you can call this Energy anything you want but the main thing is that this energy is ETERNAL, it always existed and always will exist.

However, in the evolution of God we find that this ETERNAL ENERGY is called KRISHNA or "Syamasundara", who also was the first God of Antediluvian Africa and the original Israelites.

It was commanded for the first Jews to call the LIVING GOD OF ALL-KRISHNA.

For KRISHNA is the sacred name given to the Living God of all mankind and aliens today.


There is no other LIVING GOD given to mankind {every man, woman, and child} today.