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Showing posts with label metaphsycial. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What Is Everybody Is Trying To Do

What Is Everybody Is Trying To Do

People are busy!  Going to work, feeding the baby, making business deals, shopping, cooking, some sealing and robbing, many others working for a living, a few loving what they are doing!
So, what is going on with even the insects, the germs, and the animal, plants, and rocks?

Everybody and everything is trying to SURVIVE!
From the Executive in the posh office to the Custodian to the man on the street, to the cancer cells in some one's body.
Everything seeks to survive.
Yet, man, being at the top of the animal species has a choice that animals do not.
Man can survive by trying to live or trying to die.
What METAPSYCHICS call 'Old Science' we find that the components of SURVIVAL or FOOD, PROTECTION, and PRO-CREATING.
Though this is not wrong it is grossly incomplete.
These are the SURVIVAL tactics of a common animal.
We did not evolve from apes, being in the HUMAN SPECIES, man has a bigger agenda when it comes to SURVIVAL.
For mankind to SURVIVE he needs several things:
AIR, WATER, FOOD, PROTECTION or SHELTER: Exterior {Home} and Interior {Clothing}.

And he needs to CREATE before he does any PRO-CREATION.
Matter-of-fact PRO-CREATION is not part of man's main SURVIVAL SYSTEM.
It is a GIFT OF LIFE that we can CREATE new PHYSICAL BODIES to live in the future.  That is what PRO-CREATION is all about, having a BODY to come back to in the future.
The PSI BEING {an advanced SPIRITUAL BEING {SP}, can 'locate' itself outside the body and mind and therefore doesn't need a PHYSICAL BODY to be happy or free or to move about the universe.
Man must remember he is a CREATOR and it is up to him or her to CREATE HIMSELF and his ENVIRONMENT BEFORE he seeks to PRO-CREATE if that is his desire.
BELIEVING is a form of CREATING and what a person makes you BELEIVE he makes you CREATE so it is real to you rather it has any real PHYSICAL REALITY or not.
To the extent that someone else can make you BELIEVE what they say or write you are living in that person's universe and not your own.
A PSI BEING is happiest in his own universe of his own creation/.  It is great to raise a family, but without the proper FOUNDATION and RESOURCES, God's Blessing can turn to God's Curse real quick, and it is the children that suffer.
CREATING one's self and the environment one wishes to live in increases the SURVIVAL FACTORS of the new baby.PRO-CREATION should only be considered AFTER one has CREATED one's self and his own environment.
Man can CREATE a vast more than just another PHYSICAL BODY, he can CREATE universes and have!
CREATING yourself is a life-time job.
The next one has got to CREATE his ENVIRONMENT. This means securing shelter and the things needed to make life fun and comfortable.
Now man has a firm and secure FOUNDATION to build ANYTHING ON and since he already CREATED the person he wants to be or INSPIRES to be he already has the right BLUEPRINT to proceed in LIFE no matter what CHOICE he makes and his CHOICES are in the MILLIONS.
This is TRANSCENDENTAL FREEDOM the best there is but it begins with the right FORMULA of SURVIVAL and not some animalistic role of just coming into LIFE to eat, sleep. shit and have a baby.
You cannot fully be the SUPREME, but being a PSI BEING you DO HAVE the SUPREME ENERGY within and without you and this is PERFECT BLISS OR PEACE within and without.
All  a PSI BEING has to do is CHANT his MAGIC MANTRA to 'connect' to his or her LIGHT BODY or TRANSCENDENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS.
Thank you for READING,