Access Form METAPSYCHICS: Advanced Science of Mind and Transcendental Technology: And the One became Many!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

And the One became Many!



In the beginning, all was one, so why is there differentiation within oneness?

I think this question also implies “How is it possible to have oneness and differentiation together?” It's easy actually, as in the case of light. Imagine you shine light through a prism which splits it into a rainbow. At the source of light there is oneness and after passing through the prism there is differentiation. It is the exact same light in different manifestations, or modes. Depending on which side of the prism you stand you will perceive either whole light or differentiated light. Similarly, we can perceive either oneness or differentiation depending on which mental state we occupy. Neither ultimately cancels out the other, except within our perception process.

As for why there is differentiation, actually it is a function or expression within wholeness. The whole differentiates itself as a method of self-understanding, which in turn produces integration and wholeness. In other words, differentiation produces wholeness, and wholeness produces differentiation. Sounds contradictory? Well yes, but it is true to reality.


Understanding this answer will take you out of the mind, which is a highly sophisticated differentiation machine—it is the very mechanism employed by divine oneness in producing differentiation. In order to get out of this machine you have to hold its internal self-contradicting nodes together. This, of course, requires opposing the natural predispositions of the machine…

Thank you for Reading,

MetaPsychics Foundation

MetaPsychics University

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