Access Form METAPSYCHICS: Advanced Science of Mind and Transcendental Technology: AUM-TAT-SAT Represents Your Higher Power

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

AUM-TAT-SAT Represents Your Higher Power

Many people speak of 'their Higher Power.

In the science and spiritual science of MetaPsychics KRISHNA is your Higher Power.


YOU ARE WORSHIPING EVERY GOD and GODDESS KNOWN PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. Krishna is every god including Satan, Lucifer, Jesus, Moses, Anu, Lilith, the Elohim, Rasha, El, YHWH, Jehovah, Baal, Buddha, Allah, Zoroaster, and Ra. ect.

KRISHNA is overjoyed and gives you more knowledge and understanding which increases your happiness in the material world and bliss in the spiritual world.

You bless the whole universe and everything that is in it so this is like praying for everyone and everything. Evil people are included but this kind of prayer to them is annoying and deadly.

You become more one with the universe and God of that universe. And since you are more aligned with the Natural Order of the Universe you become more balance and in harmony with the Natural Order of Nature.  This is also done by yoga, meditation, psi processes, and grounding.

You are release from obedience to any holy books including the Bhaghad Gita and all karma. {This does not make void the Law of Karma in the physical and psychic worlds.}

You become one with ETERNAL ENERGY or the SUPERIOR ENERGY which is also CREATIVE and IMAGINARY ENERGY.  This is like being in the middle of the Oceaan of pure, pristine, primal and perfect ENERGY. You can use this energy as PSI ENERGY for healing and charging things, including yourself.

The universe listens to you for it is a part of you.

You immediately elevate yourself to  the SPIRITUAL SKY where you become more KRISHNA without losing your individual soul or identity. 

You go from created to the Creator. Yet, you can only create out of what is already here.God did not create anything out of nothing.  God created everything out of Himself. 

So we have come to the conclusion that God did not create anything but is the source and substence of everything and we are the CREATORS, not God. We create in God of God and eventually for God.

And this is the first step in METAPSYCHICS taking a person from the false ego of being the created to the true ego of being the CREATOR.

Those who do not accept KRISHNA as the SOURCE of all things can reach the SPIRITUAL REALM by a simple mantra:  AUM TAT SAT we will explain below:


"Om" (also spelled "Aum") is a sacred syllable and symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and other spiritual traditions. It holds profound significance and is considered the sound of the universe or the primordial sound from which all creation emerged.

  1. Hinduism:

    • Primordial Sound: In Hindu belief, "Om" represents the fundamental vibration of the universe. It is considered the first sound from which the universe and all of creation emerged.
    • Spiritual Symbol: The syllable is often used in meditation and prayer as a way to connect with the divine. It is believed to resonate with the natural frequency of the universe, bringing peace and harmony to the mind.
    • Triad of States: The sound "Aum" is composed of three parts:
      • A: Represents the waking state.
      • U: Represents the dream state.
      • M: Represents the deep sleep state. Together, these sounds symbolize the totality of existence, including the past, present, and future, and beyond.
  2. Buddhism:

    • Meditative Practice: In Buddhism, "Om" is often used in mantras and chants, especially in Tibetan Buddhism. One of the most famous mantras, "Om Mani Padme Hum," uses "Om" at the beginning to invoke the sacred and set a spiritual intention.
  3. Jainism:

    • Spiritual Sound: In Jainism, "Om" is seen as a condensed form of several mantras and is used in prayers and rituals to invoke the blessings of various spiritual entities.

Use in Meditation:

"Om" is often chanted at the beginning and end of meditation sessions to center the mind and focus on the connection between the self and the universe. The vibration of the sound is thought to help align the mind, body, and spirit.

In essence, "Om" is more than just a sound; it is a symbol of the ultimate reality, consciousness, and spiritual awakening in various traditions.


In Hindu Philosophy (as part of "Tat Tvam Asi"):

  • Meaning: In Sanskrit, "Tat" means "That" and is part of the phrase "Tat Tvam Asi," which is a fundamental concept in Vedantic philosophy. The phrase translates to "Thou art That" or "You are That," expressing the idea that the individual soul (Atman) is identical with the ultimate reality (Brahman).
  • Spiritual Significance: "Tat" represents the infinite, transcendent aspect of the divine, signifying that the true self (Atman) is not separate from the universe's ultimate essence (Brahman).


In Sanskrit, the word "Sat" holds profound spiritual and philosophical significance. It is often translated as "truth," "reality," "being," or "existence." The term is a key concept in Hindu philosophy and is associated with the following meanings:

1. Truth and Existence:

  • Sat is often used to denote that which is true, real, and eternal. It refers to the ultimate reality or the true essence of the universe, which is unchanging and everlasting. In this sense, "Sat" is often contrasted with "Asat," which means "non-being" or "untruth."

2. Moral Goodness:

  • "Sat" can also imply moral goodness or righteousness. It embodies the idea of living in accordance with the highest truth and ethical principles. This usage is seen in the phrase "Satyam" (truthfulness), which is derived from "Sat."

3. Philosophical and Religious Context:

  • In Vedanta, "Sat" is associated with Brahman, the ultimate, formless reality that is the source of all existence. Brahman is often described as "Sat-Chit-Ananda", where:
    • Sat means truth or being.
    • Chit means consciousness.
    • Ananda means bliss.
  • Together, these describe the nature of Brahman as the infinite existence-consciousness-bliss.

4. In Mantras:

  • "Sat" is used in various sacred mantras and texts to signify the essence of divinity. For example, in the famous "Gayatri Mantra," the term "Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat" invokes the divine truth ("Sat") that illuminates all realms.

In summary, "Sat" in Sanskrit encapsulates the concept of ultimate truth, reality, and moral righteousness, playing a central role in Hindu spiritual and philosophical thought.

AUM= "THOU ARE THAT."  God is.

TAT= "YOU ARE THAT." God is the universe.

SAT= "I AM THAT!"  God is me. {I am NOT God  though,}

Have fun!

The MetaPsychics Foundation

The MetaPsychics University

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